If we're being honest, I'll tell you that I'm sick of school. I'm so burnt out. The nice thing about the Degree Completion program is that I'm finishing my degree a semester earlier than what I would've been....the not nice thing about it is that the reason why I'm finishing a semester earlier than what I would've been is because I don't get a summer vacation. Which initially seemed like no big deal, but right about now...crap, I could use a summer vacation. If we're being honest, I'll tell you that right now my motivation level is so low that I really just don't care about school work anymore. However, if we're being honest, I might as well tell you that I'm too Type A to completely not care about my school work which results in major procrastination followed by a stressed out Bri and ultimately A-worthy homework. (This technique probably isn't helping my burnt out rate too much.)
My job description is being slightly altered at FPU due to various reasons, but I'm absolutely stoked about the change! I'll be doing light admissions advising stuff so I'm super pumped. I can't start my new duties until I'm finished with my tutoring stuff though-which won't be until May. And honestly, I'm sick of tutoring. I'm mentally done with that too. I know that my girls need me, but really....I'm somehow supposed to finish 25 hours with both of them by May...and as of right now I only have 7. Yeah...uhhhh, no. I'm just really frustrated. Tutoring takes so much out of me and out of my day...and out of my gas tank. I'm just over it and I would rather stay in the office at FPU than deal with crazy kids. Honestly though, the thought of leaving those girls just breaks my heart.
I guess that's enough honesty for one night. Time to go switch my wash...hopefully by the time I come back, I'll have gained enough motivation to work on a smidge of homework.
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